Command Line Interface

The staticjinjaplus CLI is your main and only way to interact with staticjinjaplus. The following commands are available.

staticjinjaplus build

Build the site by rendering your templates from the TEMPLATES_DIR directory in the OUTPUT_DIR directory.


  • -w, --watch Automatically rebuild the site when templates are modified. This option does not watch for assets or static files changes (yet?)

It will first copy the tree contained in the STATIC_DIR directory in the OUTPUT_DIR, as-is.

staticjinja will be then initialized with the given CONTEXTS and Jinja’s JINJA_GLOBALS/JINJA_FILTERS/JINJA_EXTENSIONS, webassets bundles (WEBASSETS_BUNDLES) will be registered, and the actual rendering process is started.

.html, .xml, .rss, .atom and .json template output will be automatically minified, according to the MINIFY_XML and MINIFY_JSON configuration values. .md files will be converted to HTML and rendered using the appropriate template partial, which output will be automatically minified as well if configured so.

staticjinjaplus clean

Delete and recreate the OUTPUT_DIR directory.

staticjinjaplus publish


This feature requires a Linux-like environment.

Apply configuration values override from environment variables, then successively run staticjinjaplus clean and staticjinjaplus build prior remotely syncing the OUTPUT_DIR directory content using rsync through SSH.

staticjinjaplus serve

Serve the OUTPUT_DIR directory using Python’s built-in HTTP server, plus a couple improvements:

  • URL rewrite for HTML files is emulated, i.e. both /about.html and /about will work
  • Custom HTTP error pages are emulated, if they are found saved as {status code}.html in the OUTPUT_DIR directory
  • The server will listen to both IPv4 and IPv6 loopback addresses if possible
  • RSS and Atom files will be served using the appropriate MIME type in the Content-Type response header

By default, you can browse your generated site at http://localhost:8080/ or http://[::1]:8080/. Port can be changed by defining SERVE_PORT.